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Seed Library: FAQ & Feedback

Welcome to the Vernon Area Library Seed Library! Here you can find information on the seeds available this year and resources to help your garden grow.

Seed Library FAQ

What is a seed library?
A seed library is a free community resource where library patrons can “check out” seeds to grow in their gardens. At the end of the season, we encourage gardeners to save seeds from their plants and return some to the library to help sustain the collection.

Do I need a library card to take seeds?
No, you do not need a library card. Our seed library is open to everyone in the community.

Is there a limit to how many seeds I can take?
To ensure there are enough seeds for everyone, we ask that you take a reasonable amount—typically a few packets per visit. We recommend three packets.

What kinds of seeds are available?
We offer a variety of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds, with a focus on non-GMO/organic vegetables and herbs and Native Illinois plants/flowers. 

How many seeds are in each packet?
We have packed approximately 5-20 seeds per packet, depending on the size of the seed. For larger seeds like pumpkin or pepper, you can expect ~5 seeds. For tiny seeds like Black Eyed Susan or Amaranth,  you can expect closer to ~15-20. 

Can I donate seeds?
We welcome donations of native Illinois seeds for flowers and organic/non-GMO seeds for vegetables/fruits. Please make sure the seeds are clean, dry, and labeled with the plant name, variety, and harvest date. You can leave them in the drawer marked "Returns/Donations."

What if I don’t know how to save seeds?
No problem! While we encourage seed returns to keep the library sustainable, it is not required. We understand that not all plants produce viable seeds or that gardeners may be new to seed saving. If you are interested, check our resources page for links on how to save seeds.

What if I don't use all of my seeds? 
If you don't use all of your seeds, we welcome any returns. Please return them to our "Returns/Donations" drawer in their original envelope or a labeled, sealed envelope.

How can I support the seed library?
You can help by donating seeds, volunteering to help pack seeds next year, or spreading the word about the seed library. We also welcome feedback and stories about how you've used the seed library to enhance your garden or learn new skills. Submit feedback with the form on this page or contact

Icon of a green beet with the words "Seed Library" and "Vernon Area Library"

Help the Seed Library grow! We welcome feedback, suggestions, and stories about how you used the seed library in your garden this year.

Complete this form and also let us know if you would like to receive seed library updates.