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Teen Volunteering: Junior Volunteers (Summer 2025)

Junior Volunteer - Summer 2025 Program

Junior Volunteers 2025

junior volunteer

Volunteer at the library this summer and make a difference. Volunteering is a great way to contribute to your community, develop new skills, and earn service hours. During June and July, you’ll help with the popular Summer Library Club by signing up patrons and presenting rewards when they complete activities. 

If you’ll be in grades 7–12 for the 2025-26 school year, apply to be a Junior Volunteer! Applications will be open between 9 AM Monday, April 7, and 9 PM Monday, April 14. 

Applications will be accepted from April 7-14, 2025.

Check back here on April 7th for the link to the online application.
 Volunteers will be chosen via lottery from all qualifying applications.

All returning Junior Volunteers need to submit a new application.

All accepted volunteers will receive an email from the library no later than Friday, April 25th.


Volunteer at the library, summer 2025

Top 5 reasons to volunteer here

  1. Get valuable work experience
  2. Earn volunteer hours
  3. Lend a hand in your community
  4. Be part of the extremely popular Summer Library Challenge
  5. And...score a sweet teen volunteer T-shirt! 

Junior Volunteers are expected to...

  • attend a training session — required!
  • work one shift of 1.5 or 2 hours each week for 5 out of 9 weeks during the June 1–July 31 Summer Library Club— no exceptions!
  • arrive on time and work as scheduled
  • notify the volunteer coordinator 24 hours in advance if you are unable to work as scheduled; failure to do so more than once means you'll forfeit your future shifts 
  • be professional, courteous, and friendly to library patrons and staff
  • be a good role model to children participating in the Summer Library Challenge
  • accept training, guidance, and evaluation from library staff
  • ask questions
  • protect the confidentiality of library patron information
  • have fun! 

Scheduling & Training

The Following Are Required Once You've Been Accepted Into Junior Volunteer Program:  

Mandatory for all New & Returning Junior Volunteers:

Scheduling Day: If you're selected to volunteer, make an appointment with the Teen Volunteer Coordinator to schedule your volunteer shifts. Failure to attend will result in removal from the program.

  • 15-minute appointments are available:
    • Sunday, May 4, 12:30–4:30 PM
    • Monday, May 5, 5–8:30 PM.

Mandatory for all New & Returning Junior Volunteers:

Training Session: After scheduling your volunteer shifts, sign up to attend a training session. Choose one at your scheduling appointment. Failure to attend will result in removal from the program.

  • Tuesday, May 27, 7:00–8:00 PM
  • Wednesday, May 28, 7:00–8:00 PM
  • Saturday, May 31, 11:00 AM–12:00 PM

Volunteer Fair

Volunteer Fair
Sunday, March 16, 1–3:00 pm 

Looking for opportunities to give back to the community? Talk with representatives from a variety of organizations and learn what's available in the area. No signup required.


If you'll be in grades 7-12 for the 2025-26 school year, apply to be a Junior Volunteer by completing the online application. Online applications will be available from April 7-14, 2025. All accepted volunteers will receive an email from the library no later than Friday, April 25, 2025.
Yes! All returning Junior Volunteers and new applicants need to fill out and submit a new application each summer you're eligible to be a volunteer.
No. The library cannot supervise and fulfill court mandated community service hours.
Yes! We are happy to verify your service hours for school as long as you complete all the requirements for the Junior Volunteer Program. Certificates will be emailed out in August to all volunteers that successfully complete the program. We are happy to sign any service hour verification forms after you receive your certificate.
Once you are accepted into the Junior Volunteer Program you are required to: Schedule and attend a mandatory Scheduling Day Appointment and attend a mandatory Training Session. Failure to attend either or both will result in removal from the program. Work at least one volunteer shift per week for at least 5 separate weeks between June 1 and July 31. Complete a minimum of 10 hours of service.
Yes! All Junior Volunteer, new and returning, are required to attend the Scheduling Day and Training. If a volunteer does not attend one of these sessions they will be removed from the program.
Work at least one volunteer shift per week for at least 5 separate weeks between June 1 and July 31. Volunteers must complete a minimum of 10 hours of service. Shifts are scheduled in 1.5 - 2 hour time slots any time the library is open. Junior Volunteers are expected to arrive on time for their volunteer shifts. We require volunteers to contact the library at least 24 hours in advance if they are unable to work a volunteer shift. Junior Volunteers are responsible for rescheduling all excused missed volunteer shifts as soon as possible.
Junior Volunteers help run our extremely popular Summer Library Club! Volunteers help stock their station with prizes, explain how the club works, register kids and teens, record completed activities, and hand out prizes. Sometimes Junior Volunteers help with programs and specials events throughout the summer and school year.
Email Diane Presta, our Junior Volunteer Coordinator, at, if you have any questions or would like more information.

Certificates & Service Hours


Certificates will be emailed to the address we have on file after all hours are totaled by mid-August. It will include your name, total hours that you volunteered, and the coordinator's signature. Email Diane Presta at if you do not receive your certificate or have any questions.


Volunteer hours can only be verified after the program ends on July 31 and after you receive your certificate. After you receive your certificate, you or your school representative may email verification forms or links to Diane Presta at

Thank you again for giving your time and talents to make a difference in the world.

Teen Volunteer Coordinator

Contact Information

Diane Presta


Phone: 224-543-1486