Log in to these library resources with your Vernon Area Library card. If a PIN is required, use the one associated with your library card, usually the last four digits of your phone number.
Reading resource for pre-K–grade 3
Encyclopedia for grades K–5.
Interactive tool for finding books for grades K–8.
Multimedia encyclopedia for grades K–8. Includes a read-aloud option.
Science exploration for grades 4 & up.
Instant access to e-books for pre-K–grade 6. También en español: libros electrónicos favoritos para los niños.
Get help with schoolwork; grades 1 & up. Also available as an app: www.tutor.com/mobile.
Learn more about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) topics by checking out one of our STEM kits.
Place a kit on hold using your
Vernon Area Public Library card.