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2025 Branch Out Reading Challenge: FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I count books I’ve already read?

Please only count books that you’ve read starting in 2025.

Am I required to complete the themes in the order they are in the booklet?

Feel free to complete the themes in any order.

Can I do more than one theme in a month?

There are 12 themes to help you pace your reading over 12 months, but you are welcome to do them at any pace you like.

Can one book count for multiple themes?

In the spirit of the reading challenge, each book counts only once.

Can I read more than one book per theme?

We will only be tracking one book for each theme, but feel free to read for fun beyond that.

The suggested book is checked out. Am I allowed to read something else?

Absolutely. Choose a book on your own that fits the theme, take a look at some lists of additional suggestions here, or stop by the Adult reference desk if you’d like some extra ideas.

Do audiobooks count?

Definitely. All formats are accepted.

Do both fiction and nonfiction titles count?

Yes. Each theme is designed with both fiction and nonfiction in mind.

Does the book have to be checked out from the library?

Your books can come from any reading source.

Do I need to be a Vernon Area Public Library cardholder to participate?

No. Anyone may participate.

Can my kids participate?

This reading challenge is for adults only.